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Vine Shutting Down

Founded in 2013, Vine has been used by millions to watch and create six second videos. On October 27, Vine announced that it would be shutting down. People all across social media were shocked and upset by the news. Hashtags like #RIPVine started, where people shared their favorite Vines and talked about their favorite creators on the app. Freshman Demiya Ackinwande said “the upside of Vine shutting down was everyone sharing their favorite Vines and getting to see a bunch of old Vines resurface.”

Whether a viewer or a creator, many people were upset by the news. “I’m really sad it's shutting down, it was definitely one of my favorite social media sites. It’s also where most memes come from so I hope that meme production doesn’t slow down,” senior Alex Escribano says. Vine has been heavily integrated into other forms of social media like Twitter and Tumblr. “I love watching Vines and seeing them on my Twitter timeline,” Rose Wright says, “I’m really going to miss Vine.”

Vine is not shutting down immediately, they plan to fully shut down the app within a few months. They plan to keep the website open to ensure people can still download the Vines they have already created.

The co-founders of Vine have already launched a new app, called Hype, in hopes of creating the next big social media site. Hype is a live-streaming app that has multimedia features that goes beyond other standard live-streaming apps. “I haven’t heard much about the app,” Escribano says, “maybe if some of my friends start using it I’ll download it.”

For now, there is no set date as to when Vine will be shut down, but users are not looking forward to its close.

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