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Women's Marches Around the World

Ever since Donald Trump was elected president, people have been outraged because they feel strongly about their rights. On January 20, Donald Trump was sworn in as our president, half of America felt like their voice was heard, and the other half felt like their voices had been taken away. On January 21st, people all over the world took to the streets to voice their opinions so that they could be heard, not just by the president, but by everyone in America, so that they could tell them that they will not be silenced, and that they deserve a voice too. From Britain to the Bronx, people marched for freedom for all Americans, not just a select few. Some students at Hillgrove went to these marches and protests that have occurred following the inauguration of Trump, and it has shown that as students, we share many things in common, but as young adults, with individual opinions, we can be very different.

Millions of people coming together to support one thing that affects everyone, freedom. The students who marched and protested said that their experience was “Truly life changing” (Abby Case, 11) , and that it was also, “Very empowering.” (Gracie Williams, 11) These students who marched at these protests made history, whether your political views align with what the march stood for or not; people will remember these protests, and they will remember that these people stood up for what they believed in, it is the civil rights movement in 2017.

Although these protests were widely broadcasted and talked about all over the world, no one can be absolutely certain that these people’s voice were heard, and that they were actually taken seriously. The students who marched felt like their voice, “Was heard by the community, but not exactly heard by the president.” (Gracie Williams, 11). A student who didn’t march in the protests, said that he, “Doesn’t know if the protests will matter” and that “Trump hasn’t really had much to say about the protests” (Tory Bartlett, 11) The only way we will know if either of these students are correct will be four years from now when we see what changes have been made to our country after Trump has been president.

Picture Credits: New York Magazine

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