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No Way to PDA!

Picture this: you walk into school and the first thing you see is a couple so close that you don’t even comprehend how there’s enough oxygen to share between the both of them. Oh wait- you don’t have to picture it. Why? BECAUSE IT’S RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR FACE all the time. Every. Single. Day.

No one in the history of time ever has ever wanted to walk into a place they already don’t want to be in to see couples in every corner of the school making out or talking so close that they have to break their necks to keep the eye contact that is seemingly life or death. Not to mention how their goodbyes end up being more dramatic than the titanic when they’ll reattach again in 90 minutes.

Aside from PDA in the outside world, PDA over social media somehow finds a way to be even more cringey. Whether it's a million Snapchat stories a day highlighting their every move or every inch of their mid day cuddles, or a mile long paragraph about their every thought and feeling- or an over inflated version of their feelings- under a picture of the couple that they posted on Snapchat 3 hours earlier, no one wants to see it. When it comes down to it- no one cares about anyone else’s relationship and they especially don’t want to see it all over everything at all times.

The best advice to give all of you guilty PDA people- STOP. Please and thank you save that for the movie theatre or for when/if you guys ever spend time with each other outside of school.

Although this article may seem cynical- or rather BECAUSE this article is in fact cynical- another piece of advice I will give to all you readers is to keep it to a hand holding maximum or a talking distance of at least 6 inches because I guarantee that you will stop getting stared at and feeling the second hand discomfort of any bystander you’ve never seen before by staying within these guidelines.

Also keep your germs to yourself because 100% proven scientific fact: making out in public infects 3000% of people that witness it.

Picture Credits: Daily Mail

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