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DIYs to Sell for Prom $

Prom is just around the corner! Everyone who is planning on going is super excited, but for people who aren't as financially blessed as the other people going to prom, they are worried about how to pay for prom and the many expenses that come with the event. Finding a job is almost out of the question at this point in order to have that much money by April 21st. However, with all of the new trends today, you could make things and sell them. Who needs to find a job when you can employ yourself and sell homemade goods? Selling DIYs has become the new “thing” these days, so download Pinterest and start crafting! To get some inspiration here are a few ideas.

Rope Bowl:

You would sell this DIY more to mothers/any parent, but it is really easy for a DIY, the only bad thing would be that buying the glass bowls would be a little expensive. To make up for this cost you could sell the baskets and make a bigger profit, thus bringing in money for your perfect dress.

Picture Credits: Home and Family Youtube

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Cute Mugs:

Cute mugs are all over Pinterest right now, if you make mugs that have cute sayings on them, or cute pictures. All you need is different shades of markers and different colored mugs.

Picture Credits: Essential Pepper Blog

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Cute Chalkboard DIYs:

Chalkboards are really in style nowadays , so you would make a large profit off of making different, artistic designs on your chalkboards.

Picture Credits: Yellow Bliss Road

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