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Why THAT Pepsi Ad was SO Wrong!

In the midst of Pepsi’s controversial ad starring Kendall Jenner, we need to reevaluate why companies should leave the work of advertising to actual professional advertisers. This commercial was tone deaf and offensive to multiple groups of people. In the middle of a protest, reminiscent of the Women’s March and Black Lives Matter, Jenner tears through the crowd to hand a police officer a can of Pepsi. Everyone rejoices and parties in the streets as a united group. So it only takes a can of Pepsi to erase decades of racial injustice and people being punished for standing up for what they believe in? Maybe if we all looked like supermodels and handing police officers cans of Pepsi, the world would be a better place.

This commercial can be classified as one word: corny. First of all, people have died protesting for what they believe in. In Charlotte, NC, a 26 year old man by the name of Justin Carr was shot in the midst of violent protests against police brutality. The officers even tear gassed the large crowd of protesters. After the inauguration of President Trump in January, 6 members of an “Anti-Trump” group were run over and killed by a delivery truck while protesting on the highway. Bottom line is… Protesting is not a joke. For Pepsi to make light of this issue by portraying to seem like a huge birthday bash is really offensive to these people who are trying to make a difference in this world.

In the commercial, Kendall Jenner left her glamorous job as a fashion model to look outside and want to join everyone protesting against the police. She takes her makeup off, along with her blonde wig, and walks up to the police and hands them a Pepsi. Perhaps being in her more natural state, and less A list-y, would make her more appealing to the protesters. It’s like she wants to be everyone else… false! Kendall Jenner will probably never feel the effects of the serious issues that people regularly protest about. Her character made the ad seem very unauthentic. Maybe if the writers would’ve casted someone who looks more relatable, like say someone who has actually protested, then it would’ve been fine. This ad was a complete flop. Pepsi… thanks for trying...

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