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Do you know what’s Happening in your School?

Changes are happening all around us, but are you aware of the ones happening in your school? If your head has been in the clouds you may not have realized Hillgrove acquired a new principal, Mrs. Angela Stewart. Along with her great attitude and drive for learning, she also brought change to one of the biggest issues facing high school, dress code. Trinity Lynn, a junior at Hillgrove High school remarked, “she hasn’t done anything except change dress code and that was good.” Another student, Grace Sustar, a junior at Hillgrove High School agrees that the new dress code change is worthwhile. Even though the dress code was a big change for Hillgrove, some changes did more bad than good. “I know they stopped assigning parking, which I think is stupid” says Trinity Lyn.” “cause then people get mad if you take their spot, and new drivers come every year.” Another significant change administration is pushing onto our students is the “no earphones in the hall rule.” Amiel Djoume believes students at Hillgrove should be allowed to wear headphones in the hallways though, “at least one in the ear”, but Grace Sustar has a different view on earphones. “I get how it can be a safety precaution because some people do listen to their music very loudly but I can say I don’t care for it but if it’s for the safety of the students.” The cafeteria has also gotten a facelift as well as the rules at Hillgrove. A salad bar and slushy station were added, but not everyone loves the new cold desserts: “they can get rid of them, they taste like sugary soup, you can’t even taste the ice. It just tastes like nothing. Trinity Lyn. Grace Sustar believes that “their okay, but since I have D lunch there a little bit melted by time I get there. But if they were more slushie … and whole...” A positive change to the cafeteria has been the salad bar, “I like how they added the salad bar: that was really nice” according to Grace Sustar. Some students have their own ideas for changes around the school, “I think we need a smoothie bar according to Trinity Lynn, Instead of having senior seminar I would have a class for that and learning how to do taxes, learning how to budget, and stuff like that” Grace Sustar. Amiel Djoume suggested a new class as well, “woodworking, I see that on TV all the time, I wanted to try that.” With all the changes this year, Hillgrove is heading in the right direction, we're just not all the way there yet.

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