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Fall Films on the Rise

Grab your popcorn and gather your friends because 2017 movie releases will be bringing in the new and bringing back the old. This year is full of anticipation as some of your favorites are coming back to theatres, new and improved, such as It, Jigsaw, Blade Runner 2049, Flatliners, Thor:Ragnarok, and Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Specifically, It is surrounded by the most hype because of the responsive advertising and connection to Stephen King’s novel under the same name. Movies like It, Jigsaw, and additional horror movies are expected to be gut wrenching or heart racing. But, crowds love horror according to sophomore, Braxton Lee, because, “It’s blood-pumping and feels like how it feels to ride a rollercoaster.” Another movie, connected to a well known franchise, is Justice League. Movie fans, like Braxton, are excited to see what DC comics bring to the table saying, “I am probably looking forward to seeing, uh, Justice League the most because it’s a team of the superheroes we know and love and I want to see how they one up Marvel with their Avenger.”

In general, many of these movies involved in the fall lineup are not unknown. Audiences are expectant of these sequels and remakes because many of them are well known classics. But many factors can make or break a movie remake. Recently, new technology has improved remakes and individuals, including senior Blake Kovatch say, “It’s like you get to watch it again but a little differently with better CGI. You get to relive the experience.” In contrast, others are not fans of remakes or sequels, like another senior, Joquin Siopongco, who says, “Sequels are a follow up of the story and basically are the same with different actors.”

Whether or not you like horror movies or remakes, this Fall will be providing audiences with great entertainment and something to talk about.

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