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Hillgrove' Student Newspaper
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Keeping you up to date on all things around the GROVE!
Pro Hijab for Muslim Athletes
Nike, famous for their constant encouragement for equality and diversity, has launched their newest campaign for an athletic hijab,...
Black History Month ends but the struggle continues...
Five years ago, a young, unarmed man named Trayvon Martin was killed while on the way home from a convenience store by a neighborhood...
No Way to PDA!
Picture this: you walk into school and the first thing you see is a couple so close that you don’t even comprehend how there’s enough...
Pressures of growing up
We’re losing the concept of childhood: the idea that our childhood is precious, that children should be children. Children are dressing...
Why do we watch our favorite TV shows?
The 2016 cliche image of a teenager is one who goes home, crashes on their bed, and binge watches their favorite TV show on Netflix...
Is Outliers Negative?
“[For me, Outliers] gave perspective.” - Cecilia Vu Malcolm Gladwell's Outliers, an assigned reading for students in Honors Tenth grade...
Doctor Strange (SPOILER WARNING)
I recently went to see the new Marvel Studios movie, Doctor Strange. I thoroughly enjoyed it, as I do with most Marvel movies. There was...
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